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Home Learning

If the school needs to close, or if you are forced to self isolate at home with symptoms, remote learning conditions will apply. 

While we appreciate that parents are not teachers, the support you give your child will help. 

At Anson we have a robust system for giving pupils access to learning. In Early Years the Evidence Me application connects parents to the learning the pupils need to complete at home. In Year One and Two the children access and share their learning using Seesaw. All parents have access to their child's work. Google Classroom is used to mirror the school curriculum for children in Years Three to Six. 

All of these apps are accessible by the children, allow for them to receive daily feedback from the staff and connect via video for learning sessions. 

All children across the school have access to Google Classroom or Zoom to access some live video sessions with their class teacher. This also connects the children to each other.