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We offer a number of clubs each term to give children a chance to explore and experience a range of physical activities. The clubs are run by a combination of Anson staff and outside providers. All clubs run from 3.30pm and finish at 4.30pm.

Anson subsidises the cost of the clubs for children receiving benefit-led free school meals. Some of this is funded by the PE Grant but in order to make it sustainable other popular clubs offer the chance to subside clubs with a smaller take-up.

Prices are listed below for the Spring Term. The clubs will begin the week commencing Monday 15th January 2024. (unless otherwise stated). 


Club: Gymnastics with DFY

Year: R - 6

Please book direct with DFY.

Club: Skateboarding with DFY

Year: R - 6

Please book direct with DFY.


Club: Football with DFY

Year: R - 3

Please book direct with DFY

Club: Commercial Dance with DFY

Year: R - 6

Please book direct with DFY.


Club: Football with DFY

Year: 3 - 6

Please book direct with DFY.

Club: Dodgeball with Miss Flynn (Autumn Term only)

Dodgeball is back with Miss Flynn. Who will be first to knock her to the ground with a demon throw?

Year: 5&6

Places: 15

Location: Playground

Cost: £5 per session or £3 for children on Free School Meals (£50/£30)

Club: Archery with Mr Pile (Summer Term only)

Archery GB is back with field archery, clout archery and several games all taught by Mr Pile.  Who will walk away with our trophies, including the Ribbon Hood Award!

Year: 5&6

Places: 15

Location: Hall

Cost: £5 per session or £3 for children on Free School Meals (£50/£30

Club: Girls’ Football Squad with Miss Da Silva

This is a club of selected pupils who will represent the team and sporting fixtures across Brent. 

Year: 3, 4, 5 & 6

Places: 12

Location: Playground

Cost: There is no charge for squad members. 


Club: Boxing/Kickboxing with DFY

Year: R - 6

Please book direct with DFY.

Club: Cricket with DFY

Year: R - 6

Please book direct with DFY