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Chapter Twenty-Two: The House with No Flags

In Chapter 22 we hear about how the people of Cornucopia respond to paying more tax. Surely giving the King more money won't be well received? 

You may have seen a lot in the new recently about statues and what they represent. 

"Spittleworth had a statue of Nobby Buttons made, and placed it in the middle of the largest public square in Chouxville. Seated on a magnificent charger, with his bronze cloak flying out behind him and a look of determination on his boyish face, Buttons was forever frozen in the act of galloping back to the City-Within-The-City. It became fashionable to lay flowers around the statue’s base every Sunday."

Let's get creative. Can you use some modelling clay or some of the recycling in your home to make a sculpture of brave Nobby Buttons riding his horse to fight the Ickabog?

Let your creativity go wild. 

Perhaps you don't want to make the model. Could you create some paper flowers to lay around the statue in the city?

Here is one of our famous local statues. This is Bobby Moore, the captain of the England football team when they won the World Cup in 1966. Look at the detail on the base of the statue. What could you put on the base of the statue of Nobby Buttons?