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  • Chapter One: King Fred the Fearless

    The first chapter is all about King Fred the Fearless.

    Today we are going to look at King Fred.

    In Chapter One we meet King Fred. Use the description in the text to draw two portraits of King Fred. One should show his face in detail and one should show his fine clothes.

    “King Fred the Fearless came to the throne on a huge wave of popularity. He had lovely yellow curls, fine sweeping moustaches and looked magnificent in the tight breeches, velvet doublets, and ruffled shirts that rich men wore at the time. Fred was said to be generous, smiled and waved whenever anyone caught sight of him and looked awfully handsome in the portraits that were distributed throughout the kingdom, to be hung in town halls. The people of Cornucopia were most happy with their new king, and many thought he’d end up being even better at the job than his father, Richard the Righteous, whose teeth (though nobody had liked to mention it at the time) were rather crooked.”

    You can draw your character on any piece of paper or download one of the documents and print it out. 

    The Map of Cornucopia

    In Chapter One we learn a lot about the country of Cornucopia. We read about Chouxville, Kurdsburg, Baronstown, Jeroboam and the Marshlands. Can you use the information in the chapter to create a map of Cornucopia? You can draw your map on a piece of paper or download the documents below. 

    Use these passages to help you make your own map... 

    “The capital of Cornucopia, Chouxville, lay in the south of the country, and was surrounded by acres of orchards, fields of shimmering golden wheat, and emerald-green grass, on which pure white dairy cows grazed.”

    “To the north of Chouxville lay more green fields and clear, sparkling rivers, where jet-black cows and happy pink pigs were raised. These in turn served the twin cities of Kurdsburg and Baronstown, which were separated from each other by an arching stone bridge over the main river of Cornucopia, the Fluma, where brightly coloured barges bore goods from one end of the kingdom to another.”

    “A few hours north of Kurdsburg and Baronstown, you came upon acres of vineyards bearing grapes as large as eggs, each of them ripe and sweet and juicy. Journey onwards for the rest of the day and you reached the granite city of Jeroboam, famous for its wines.”

    “But a little north of Jeroboam, a strange thing happened. It was as though the magically rich land of Cornucopia had exhausted itself by producing the best grass, the best fruit, and the best wheat in the world. Right at the northern tip came the place known as the Marshlands, and the only things that grew there were some tasteless, rubbery mushrooms and thin dry grass, only good enough to feed a few mangy sheep."​​​​​​​