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    The Intent

    Anson Primary School is recognised nationally and internationally for the work we do with computing and technology. As a school with staff who are Apple Teachers, Apple Distinguished Educators, Google Certified Educators and Seesaw Ambassadors we have a range of skills that ensure our children can be e-safe, e-inspired and e-confident. 

    Our aim is to provide our children with a computing curriculum which ensures they are digitally literate, can become active creators in the digital world and are well-prepared for the challenges of the future workplace. As a school with creativity at the core of our offer, we encourage the skills of drawing, video, photography, coding and music using technology. At the core of the curriculum is the Swift programming language, in which our pupils are taught the fundamentals of programming on Apple devices. We encourage our pupils to utilise this computational thinking and their own creativity in a range of computing contexts.

    We aim to ensure that our children have a clear embedding of the computing knowledge required and opportunity to practise and develop key skills to nurture a real understanding of the subject. Fundamentally creative problem solving is at the heart of our work. 

    Our four main computing aims are:

    • That all pupils can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including algorithms in the real world and online.
    • All pupils can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.
    • All pupils can think creatively using our core Anson applications to solve problems, entertain and inform. 
    • All pupils are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of technology.

    New computing vocabulary is taught discreetly within computing lessons. This vocabulary is then continually referred to, both within the school environment and in cross-curricular lessons e.g. using the term ‘algorithm when describing the process for short division or writing instructions in English. 

    Our learning utilises a core group of applications to support teaching and learning. This encourages mastery of the apps. Children are able to use their skills in drawing, video, photography and music to express themselves, share their creativity and talk to a wider audience. 

    The Implementation

    In order to ensure that the children understand the power of computing we teach control from a young age and the language of Swift throughout Key Stage Two. Children are given the opportunity to develop app prototypes, program technology using Lego and command robots to perform! 

    Importantly we embed technology in every subject using the creativity in our vision to give children a voice and an audience. Plus, as an Apple Regional Training Centre we also support other schools to adopt and embed technology in their teaching and learning. 

    Technology helps us to celebrate the achievements of our pupils. 

    Anson TV has the latest assemblies, animations, videos and films made by the children. The school radio station, which broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allows the children the chance to improve their oracy. 

    We share the work of the children directly with the authors, actors and sports stars they are writing about, often with wonderful responses. Technology is in all our lives. For our children it will form the basis of their future careers. Teaching them how to use it, create with it and stay safe is crucial to developing our next digital citizens. And, as in this example, as digital citizens our pupils' voices must be heard.  

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    Here are a few other examples of the powerful ways we engage children through computing implementation in our primary school. 




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    Computing is fun. Every year we celebrate EU Code Week at Anson Primary School. In the past we have replicated the Chrome Web Lab at the Science Museum, created our own games and content in Code IT for Christmas. We have focused on app development or 'being in control' creating unique experiences that showcase the children's learning across the school using technology and coding. 

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    We understand the importance of teaching online safety and recognise that it must be reinforced regularly. We educate all pupils on how to ensure they have a positive digital footprint, which is increasingly important in the digital world they are growing up in.

    We ensure pupils know how to stay safe online and where to go to receive support if required. Alongside continual teaching of online safety, we remind children of rules learnt through assemblies and the wider school environment including special projects such as the one below.  

    Through this work, we recognise that parents play a pivotal role in keeping children safe online. For this reason, we regularly keep parents updated through newsletters, the school website and online safety workshops. We are a National Online Safety accredited school and engage parents and staff with meaningful content to help them stay safe beyond the school day.

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    The Impact

    • Children will be happy, safe and confident users of technology.
    • Children will be able to use technology to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school.
    • Children will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems.
    • Children will be able to adapt to new systems because of their core computational thinking. 
    • Children will be creative producers not passive consumers of technology. 
    • Children will be happy using technology, confident in their ability and have the skills to use technology throughout their lives.

    Computing Curriculum 2024-2025