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  • Music

    The Intent

    We work with our partners at Brent Music Service to ensure we have skilled music teachers working with our staff and children at Anson Primary School. 

    "Supporting the right of all children and young people in Brent to an excellent music education which inspires, enriches lives and develops a life-long love of music" - Brent Music Service

    The Implementation

    Music'sCool is Brent Music Service's exciting, multi-cultural music programme for schools, providing high quality music lessons, linked to the National Curriculum and delivered by music specialists in Brent primary schools.

    It is a classroom-based programme which teaches music in a fun and creative, yet structured manner in partnership with class teachers. The carefully designed, progressive syllabus develops children’s musical skills and understanding in a practical way from Nursery through to Year 6.

    With singing and performing at its heart, the programme gives children the opportunity to learn several instruments from a range of musical traditions. Working alongside the school staff, the lessons are repeated and rehearsed throughout the week. 

    Instruments include: 

    • Recorder
    • Ukulele
    • Body Percussion
    • Tamboo Bamboo
    • African Drumming
    • Samba
    • Rap 
    • Beatboxing

    What's included?

    • Every child receives a recorder.
    • Each school receives a set of ukuleles, tamboo bamboo, djembes and samba kit (as appropriate and at no additional cost) to use whilst the school is involved with the programme.
    • Performance is integral to the course and all children are given the opportunity not only to perform in school, but also at larger high profile venues.
    • Structured assessment is used throughout the programme in order to identify students who would benefit from having small group or individual instrumental lessons to further their musical development.
    • The course provides effective links between classroom music and instrumental lessons.
    • The 30 minute weekly sessions provide regular CPD for class teachers, who are expected to follow up work done in each session and lead activities where appropriate.

    As our vision is all about happy, confident and creative children with a lifelong love of learning, it will come as no surprise that music is fun, allows children to express themselves musically and emotionally and ensures they develop the skills and confidence to perform.

    As a result we see this in:

    • pupils performing at events locally in the school choir
    • whole school musical performances in assemblies
    • regular singing and composition in class showcases
    • entry into competitions and events such as the London Borough of Culture
    • song writing for Digital Leaders, Eco Council or filmmaking. 

    The impact

    • Children are able to express themselves through music
    • Children become proficient in listening and creating music
    • Children are given the chance to explore music throughout the week and use it across the curriculum
    • Children enjoy music and develop a love of the subject